What you choose to store in your golf bag, and what you consider essential during a round, is a personal choice. However, you want to make sure that you’re adequately prepared for whatever you might encounter on the golf course. Here’s a list of essential items that you’re likely to need during your round.
Of course, your bag needs to contain 14 clubs, which may include drivers, irons, woods, putters, hybrids, or wedges. You can bring along any mix of clubs, it just depends on your strengths and weaknesses as a golfer.
Essential golf equipment
Golf balls
Every golfer needs golf balls, and you really can never have too many. Keep a few spares in your bag for those (hopefully few) occasions when your ball goes walkabout. Not too many though, as you don’t want to add too much unnecessary weight to your bag.
Old balls
Having a few old or worn balls in your bag is useful if you’re stuck behind a slow group and want to get in a bit of extra practice while waiting. It’s also useful if you’re having a bad day and are tired of losing your nice, new balls.
Tees are pretty important to your game, and you don’t want to run out. Have a stash of your favourite tees handy to save scrambling around in your bag for one. If you want to cut down on gear in your bag, you could also use a tee as a ball marker or to clean the grooves of your clubs.
Golf gloves
Golf gloves make it much easier to grip the club with good control, particularly if your hands are sweaty or wet. Invest in a good, long-lasting pair to have with you at all times.
Ball marker
These small, flat objects are used to mark the position of the ball before the ball is lifted, so keep a couple in an easily accessible place.
Divot repair tool
You need to leave the greens as you found them – smooth and unblemished – so a divot repair tool is essential.
Personal gear
Water bottle
Staying hydrated during your round is crucial, particularly on those very warm days. Keep a water bottle in your bag at all times – or more than one if there’s nowhere to refill it at your local course.
Packaged snack
You can get pretty hungry out on the course, as a round takes a long time to complete. Ensure you power your game with a quick and easy-to-eat snack such as fruit, energy bars or trail mix.
Sunscreen and lip balm
You’ll likely be spending hours on the course, so sun protection and lip balm are essential to prevent burning and dryness. While you’ll no doubt put some sunscreen on before you hit the course, you’ll need to top it up over the course of the next few hours to ensure full protection. And drying winds can wreak havoc with your lips, so an SPF lip balm is really handy to keep cracked, dry lips at bay.
Golf towel
In hot weather it’s useful to wipe off sweat, in rainy weather it’s useful to dry yourself and your clubs off. A towel is always useful to clean your clubs, your face and your hands, so make sure you have one (or two) easily accessible in your bag.
Band aids
You never know when a niggling injury will strike on the golf course, so it’s best to always have a few band aids handy for when you need them.
Insect repellent
Annoying insects can be the quickest way to ruin a round, so come prepared with a stock of insect repellent.
Keep a travel pack of painkillers in your bag to ward off any aches and pains caused by all that swinging, and allow you to keep playing.
Adhesive tape
Sore fingers are par for the course when it comes to golf. Keep a roll of adhesive strapping tape handy to tape up those fingers, or to use to improve your grip.
Hand sanitiser
A must-have for recent times, hand sanitiser can ensure you keep your hands clean and germ-free no matter what you touch on the course.
Instant ice pack
An instant ice pack can be really handy if a golf accident occurs – plus, you can use it to keep your neck cool on hot days.
Golf accessories
This handy device measures the distance between you and another object, and is extremely useful for helping you gauge your shots with accuracy.
Sharpie pens
These are useful for marking your ball.
You need a pencil to fill out your scorecard – and given the tendency of pencils to go missing, it’s wise to keep a few on hand.
Collapsible wire brush
Use this brush to clean dirt or grime stuck in the grooves of your club, to make sure you get the best contact with the ball at all times.
Weather preparations
Weather can be fickle, and what starts out as a fine day on the course can quickly degenerate into a wet, cold and unpleasant one. Make sure you’re always prepared for what the weather can throw at you by including these items in your bag.
A waterproof jacket and pants
You never know when you’ll need protection from the rain, wind or chill on the course, so always have a light but warm jacket and pants at the ready in your bag.
Extra socks
Wet feet can really dampen your enjoyment of your game, so always have a spare pair ready for those wet or extremely hot days.
Bag cover
If it’s really coming down, it’s best to use a cover to protect your bag so your clubs stay dry – they’re much easier to use that way.
Rain needn’t stop you from getting in your round. If you’re a keen golfer and will play through anything, make sure you have an umbrella stashed somewhere around your bag, as it’s sure to rain at some point when you’re on the course.
Should you play golf in the rain? Find out here.
Miscellaneous items
Business cards
Sure, golf is leisure, but you never know who you might meet on the golf course – and want to network with. Keep a few business cards in a safe spot where they won’t get damaged – they won’t take up much room.
Valuables pouch
A small pouch for your valuables can help make sure your watch, jewellery, coins etc. don’t get lost or misplaced during your round.
Keep in mind that carrying all these essential items around will make your golf bag heavy. To save your back, shoulders and energy while on the course, we recommend using a push or ride-on golf buggy like the ones you can find here.
To discover how to organise all the gear in your golf bag, click here.